Christian Videos

In this page you will find access to our video material that will help you find the great hope designed by God for us, his sons and daughters.


Message of Hope

We all look for a future with hope, we need hope to live

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Future with Hope

Join Mark Finley in these conferences across South America

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Amazing Discoveries

An incredible journe through time conducted by Mark Finley

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Unlocking Bible Prophecies

Join Cami Oetman in this Revelation 2 weeks seminar

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Who is Jesus?

A movie about Jesus made by the International Bible Society

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Passion Play

The passion and crucifixion of Jesus by Shawn Boonstra

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Big 5 Questions of Life

Join Mark Finley and Shawn Boonstra to find the answers

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The Clash of Cultures

Five dynamic programs that address present-day conflicts

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Even these believed

Know the stories of big atheists and how they returned to God

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The Truth in 2 Minutes

Video series of biblical subjects with Daniel Bosqued

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A Better Way to Live

Join Shawn Boonstra in selected video chapters of his devotional

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It Is Written

Inspiring videos with meditations presented by Shawn Boonstra

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